Why Are Rest Days So Important?

No, we’re not talking about lazy Saturdays or the days when you hit the snooze button more times than you probably should, just to get a few extra minutes of sleeping bliss. We’re talking about the recovery time your body needs between hitting the same muscle group twice. It’s more important than you think.

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How to Add Extra Protein to Your Diet Easily

Looking to ramp up your metabolism? Protein can help you. Need more energy? Want to lose weight? Protein is there for you. Protein sometimes gets a bad rap, but let’s face it, your body needs craves it. It isn’t just for bodybuilders. It’s for the young, old, dieters, lifters, and everyone in between.

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What are the Top Exercises for People Over 50?

When it comes to the best fitness options for those 50 and older, there are so many exercise choices available—options that are vital for increasing mobility and flexibility, maintaining balance, and improving muscle strength and endurance. You’re probably realizing that your workout needs are changing as the years go by. Instead of solely thinking about…

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8 Exercises to Give You Better Posture

When you neglect your posture, you invite chronic neck and back pain. Sitting improperly for extended periods of time in front of a computer, standing for hours with your shoulders hunched, and sleeping and lifting improperly, can all lead to debilitating aches down the road. Do these six quick and easy realignment exercises to help…

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