3 Things You’ll Love About Our Group Power Class

Strength training is the secret to seeing results through exercise; you’ve heard good things but might not make it your top priority. By trying out a class you can begin a strength training routine or looking for something to switch up your usual workout. WoW’s strength training class, Group Power, has everything you need to…

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4 Things That Make Our Zumba Classes Great

It’s not hard to find Zumba classes, but it is hard to find the right Zumba class. Zumba brings a fun, energy filled workout to your day, so there’s no question why so many people seek out these classes. If you really want to reap all of the benefits of Zumba, you may want to…

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The Best Aerobic Exercise Options for Summer

Hello, JULY! There’s so much to love about this month: sunshine, beach time, vacations. And, of course, all the fun things we can do in the great outdoors. Let’s go over some of the best aerobic exercise options for summer—things beyond our tried and true exercises, like running and power walking. 

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What to Look for in a Gym Membership

You’ve decided to head back to the gym. Congrats! Making a commitment to your body and overall health is a GOOD thing. Now, for the tough part: choosing a gym that fits your specific needs. Here’s what to keep in mind when checking out gyms and comparing gym memberships.

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Interval Training: 4 Mistakes to Avoid

Interval training is a great way to blast fat and build endurance, provided you do it right. Take advantage of the benefits of interval training and you will be well on your way to reaching your goals. Not all workouts are made the same, so make sure you are maximizing your ability to reap all…

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