Pilates for Weight Loss: What to Know


Want to lose weight with Pilates? It just so turns out, that this popular workout is one of the best to commit to when setting goals for yourself. No matter if you’re looking to slim down, build up, or just get fit, Pilates will not only help you get there, but it will allow you to enjoy the journey along the way.

Pilates can be modified for your ability level, so no matter what let you are in your practice, you can get a great workout. Whether you are taking your time for a Saturday workout, or fitting it in after a long day of work, you’re more likely to prioritize exercise into your day when you can easily adjust the routine.

By working with resistance to increase strength, Pilates is a strength-training workout despite what many people think. By building muscle mass, your body will burn more calories helping your weight loss goals every session.

Pilates_StretchIf you want to slim down fast, Pilates can help you create the illusion immediately. Besides the many benefits and adapting better posture, (better circulation, alignment, and taking pressure off muscles along the spine, to name a few) you’ll also look thinner as you lengthen your body and strengthen your core.

It’s an added bonus to the confidence boost you’ll also feel and will keep you committed to showing up again week after week.

If you’re really looking for noticeable weight loss, combine your Pilates session with cardio work. The strength training of Pilates complemented by cardio will help you burn more fat and slim down faster than if you were to do either on their own.

Ready to finally meet your weight loss goal? Visit WoW, one of the top gyms in New Jersey for state of the line equipment, and great amenities like ladies only workout rooms, free babysitting, and flat screen TVs!
