Ask the Trainer: How to Get Rid of Annoying Armpit Fat

Sandra Conti is Jersey Strong’s Director of Group Training. Whether it is Yoga, Group Power, or Group Ride, Sandra knows the ins and outs of group fitness. With extensive knowledge of our suite of classes, Sandra also knows how to target different areas of the body and certain muscle groups to make the most of your…

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A Guide to Choosing the Right Diet for YOU

There is a LOT of fluff out there about weight loss and diets, so we’ll address the elephant in the room right away: dieting is not easy, and traditional fad diets are not a long term solution for weight loss. But there are systems of eating designed to help you lose weight for good. All…

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5 Mistakes You May Be Making in Spin Class

New to spin class? You may be intimidated by those neat rows of bikes, or by the veteran pros who waltz over to a bike and know their exact settings. But don’t be nervous! The best part about spin is that you control your resistance – so you can tailor the class to your specific…

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Eight Mistakes That Keep You from Losing Belly Fat

Oh, belly fat! You saucy little minx, you! We try so hard to slay the belly fat monster, but sometimes it’s just so hard. But forge on we must, as carrying extra weight around our mid-section can adversely affect our overall health and well-being. What should you avoid? Glad you asked…

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How to Create Healthy and Sustainable Diet Accountability

Sticking to our health and fitness plans can certainly be a challenge. Take a second and think about all of the things that sidetrack us — birthdays (and their encompassing cakes), work lunches (a.k.a. ordering from your nearby pizza place), and don’t forget about post-work trips to the bar to let off a little steam…

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