Ask the Trainer: How to Get Rid of Annoying Armpit Fat

Sandra Conti is Jersey Strong’s Director of Group Training. Whether it is Yoga, Group Power, or Group Ride, Sandra knows the ins and outs of group fitness. With extensive knowledge of our suite of classes, Sandra also knows how to target different areas of the body and certain muscle groups to make the most of your…

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Power Foods For Health and Fitness Goals

How often do you think about the fact that food could help you achieve your fitness goals? While it’s important to get your time in the gym, it’s just as important to watch what’s going into your mouth. Makes sense, right? But it’s not just for weight loss – you can ramp up your health…

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Building Muscle: Three Mistakes to Avoid

Is one of your 2019 goals to build muscle? Perhaps leaning out and getting cut? Well, if you’re serious about starting or continuing and keeping up with your plans, you’ve come to the right place! To help you become more resolute about those New Year’s resolutions, make sure to avoid these common muscle-building missteps.

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The Best Core Exercises for Beginners

Looking for a few foundational core exercises to start building strong abs? The good news is that you can begin your journey to a six pack, all without the need of expensive, space-eating equipment. Try these beginner level exercises, working up the intensity as you get stronger, and you’ll be building a firmer, more defined core…

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What are the Top Exercises for People Over 50?

When it comes to the best fitness options for those 50 and older, there are so many exercise choices available—options that are vital for increasing mobility and flexibility, maintaining balance, and improving muscle strength and endurance. You’re probably realizing that your workout needs are changing as the years go by. Instead of solely thinking about…

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Tips to Lose Weight For Your Age Group

Make sure your weight loss goals are in line with your lifestyle. Lose weight at any age by knowing what could hurt your weight loss progress at different times of your life. We all know a 25 year old and a 55 year old won’t be living the same lifestyle, nor losing weight the same…

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9 Cardio Workouts for Women (That Don’t Involve a Treadmill)

Women process oxygen faster than men, meaning our aerobic systems are more efficient than our male counterparts’. Since the female heart is basically made for cardio, why not look into more ways to make it a fun part of your workout routine? While cardio can easily be the most boring exercise of all time, at Jersey…

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