Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss On The Go

We know you keep a busy schedule—so how can you make sure your daily nutrition doesn’t take a dive because of it? Healthy snacks on the go—that’s how! They will help to keep you on track and provide much needed energy to get you through the day. Looking for some extra energy while on the…

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Meal Prep Resources for Every Type of Diet

It’s hard enough to meal prep well on a regular diet. But when you have to take into account other factors, like no meat, or low carbs, or even family-friendly requirements, it’s near impossible. And to come up with new ideas, week after week, so that you don’t have to eat the same food for…

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What Is the Mediterranean Diet?

During the 1950’s, a scientist named Ancel Keys noticed something strange. Poor populations in Italy on the Mediterranean coast were vastly healthier than even the wealthiest members of American high society. If you know anything about the Mediterranean diet, you know the spoiler: it turned out that the secret sauce (no pun intended) was in…

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Healthy Holiday Food Hacks to Keep You On Track This Season

The good news: the average American only gains one pound during the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The bad news: for most Americans, that becomes a year-over-year, holiday-to-holiday pattern, and they never shed the weight. This begs the question: how can we avoid this one extra pound altogether?

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9 Healthy Breakfasts You Can Prep the Night Before

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And starting your morning with a healthy choice can set the pace for the rest of your day. But, let’s just admit it: mornings are HARD. Instead of rushing around like a crazy person, or reaching for a doughnut, you can set yourself up for success…

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