Fitness & Exercise
6 Resistance Band Exercises to Target Your Booty
What’s the best way to build your glute muscles? Targeted activation.
Read More8 Exercises to Give You Better Posture
When you neglect your posture, you invite chronic neck and back pain. Sitting improperly for extended periods of time in front of a computer, standing for hours with your shoulders hunched, and sleeping and lifting improperly, can all lead to debilitating aches down the road. Do these six quick and easy realignment exercises to help…
Read MoreThe Only Kettlebell Exercises You Need
Kettlebells are really an unsung hero of the gym. With just a few simple exercises, you can customize several different workouts to meet your needs. For experienced weight lifters, kettlebells can be a refreshing change to break up familiar workouts. For beginners, they’re a great way to transition into weight training. Isolate your muscles or…
Read MoreWinter Workouts & Wellness: The Ultimate Guide to Cold Weather Fitness
No matter how much we might want to once the cold snaps, we can’t hibernate. Instead, we’re tasked with finding ways to stay warm, happy, and healthy during the winter months when all we want to do is crawl right back under the covers. But working out during this time of year is especially important:…
Read More5 Mistakes You May Be Making in Spin Class
New to spin class? You may be intimidated by those neat rows of bikes, or by the veteran pros who waltz over to a bike and know their exact settings. But don’t be nervous! The best part about spin is that you control your resistance – so you can tailor the class to your specific…
Read MoreHere’s What Science Has to Say About Morning vs. Evening Workouts
There’s so much conflicting research out there on when the optimal time to workout is. Morning people claim it boosts your metabolism, but nighttime people claim that actually doesn’t help you lose weight. Nighttime people claim it helps you sleep better, but morning people say that’s actually not true. So what’s the right answer?
Read More5 Easy Exercises for Your Active Rest Day
“Active Rest”. Yes, it may sound a tad contradictory, but muscles need time to grow and recover. And we’re sure you’ve seen it before, “muscles are built at rest”; but that doesn’t mean you need to lie in bed all day, waiting for results to occur. Active rest can be defined as a workout far easier…
Read MoreShape Up: The Best Diet for Bodybuilding
If you want to create a leaner body with more definition, the most important factor to understand is that hitting the gym alone will not give you the results you are looking for. Both exercise and nutrition play a crucial part in creating the definition you admire in your favorite bodybuilding magazine.
Read MoreFitness for Dummies: What Is BMI and Other Frequently Asked Questions
When you’re just hopping on the fitness train, learning the lingo takes as much focus as learning to squat. There are tons of questions you should be asking yourself on your fitness journey, and even more words in the fitness dictionary it can be helpful to know. We pulled together some of the most frequently…
Read MoreDo This DIY 15 Minute Full Body Workout for Huge Results
Most of the time, we make exercise out to be more complicated than it is. The truth is that a daily 15 minute full-body workout can make a huge difference in your fitness—because the only thing that getting in shape truly requires is consistency. In other words, if you can only fit a short workout…
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